The file SONGLIST.TXT is used by some CAVS players to organize access to the tracks available on the player. The SONGLIST file is simply a text file with one line for each available track. Each line is divided into three fields by vertical bars (|). The first field is the number of the track, which also denotes the track file name, followed by title and last artist name.
CDGFix 3 Super can build a SONGLIST file while exporting tracks using the Export Tracks command on the Project menu. Building an index file is only available when exporting tracks using the sequential numbering option for file naming. Please refer to the topic on Export Tracks for more details.
It is also possible to build a SONGLIST file without having to export a set of tracks. Using the Create Indexfile command on the project Tools menu you can build a SONGLIST file from either the collection of tracks currently loaded into the Project window or from another index file (for example INX menu or Juke.txt). Please refer to the topic on Create Indexfile for more details.