CDGFix 3 Super has the capability of decrypting CAVS JB199 NCG files and convert them to another supported format (CDG+MP3, MCG+MP3, ZIP, BIN). In order to decrypt a NCG file CDGFix 3 Super needs to know the keyset originally used to encrypt the file. For many NCG files the keyset can be determined by simply scanning the NCG file, but depending on the original file source and format this is not always possible.
To remedy this, CDGFix 3 Super utilizes the fact that all NCG files from the same JB199 unit are encrypted using the same keyset. This means that once you have successfully decrypted one NCG file you can save the keyset. CDGFix 3 Super will then use the saved keyset for subsequent NCG file from the same JB199 instead of attempting to detect it from scratch.
Once you have successfully decrypted a NCG file from your JB199 you can open the Settings dialog and select this page. The current keyset ID will then be displayed at the top and the Register button will be enabled. Clicking on the Register button will register the keyset, making it appear in the bottom list. You can register as many JB199 keysets as you want - CDGFix 3 Super will always select the correct keyset for any given NCG file based on information in the file header.
The bottom list shows all currently registered keysets. The Import button allows for import of keysets from a definition file. A keyset definition file is previously saved by selecting a registered keyset in the list and clicking on the Export button. Once you have a correct keyset we suggest that you make a backup of it using the Export function.
The Unregister button is used if you want to remove a previously registered or imported keyset. This may be useful if the keyset turns out to be incorrect and you need CDGFix 3 Super to recalculate a new keyset using another NCG file.
For more details on NCG files and keysets, and step by step instructions on how to use the NCG decoder, please refer to Convert encrypted NCG files.