The main statusbar is located in the Main window, at the top of the CDGFix 3 Super workspace:
The main statusbar has seven panels as shown above. These panels are, from left to right, as follows:
Message display; displays messages for the operation currently in progress.
Progress display; displays the progress for the currently running operation.
Border; indicates whether the graphics display Border is visible or not by displaying the text Border in black or gray respectively. By double-clicking the Border panel the border is toggled on and off.
Current selection; displays the current graphics Selection. By double- or right-clicking the selection panel a popup menu is opened to allow manipulation of the selection.
CDG panel; displays the graphics play length of the currently loaded track.
Music panel; display the type (MP3 or WAV) play length of the currently loaded soundtrack.
Channel; by right-clicking this panel a popup menu for selection of currently playing channels is available. Equivalent to the Channels menu. Double-clicking the Channel panel opens the Select Channels dialog.